• 14th-16th October 2024
  • Exhibition Centre Berlin

OurWhisky Foundation becomes Education Partner for BCB 2024!

Just one of many images from the OurWhisky Foundation's free image archive "The Modern Face of Whisky" to provide more appropriate images of various people enjoying whisk(e)y. (c) OurWhisky Foundation

When it comes to whisk(e)y, Becky Paskin has long been a familiar face in the international bar industry. Over two years ago, she founded the "OurWhisky Foundation" to support women working in the whisk(e)y industry worldwide. Together with BCB, the non-profit organisation will now curate the education programme at this year's BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy.

A few weeks ago, BCB announced that there would be an increased focus on whisk(e)y at this year's trade show. As last year, the "Spirit of Honor" will have its own highlight area, where a programme on whisk(e)y topics will take place over all three days of the trade fair. In addition to its own bar, which will be managed by the Collab Bar team from Hamburg, there will also be a separate education area to educate visitors on all aspects of the spirit.

Of course, the whole thing is not possible without a strong partnership: BCB has been able to win over the passionate whisk(e)y expert and spirits author Becky Paskin and her self-founded OurWhisky Foundation. This is the world's first non-profit organisation to support, recognise and empower women in the global whisk(e)y industry. With their expertise around this special spirit, the team is putting together a varied and exciting programme so that this year's BCB visitors can expand their knowledge of whisk(e)y.

In an interview, Becky Paskin told us what drives her and what we can expect from the collaboration with BCB.

BCB: Becky, we are delighted that you and the OurWhisky Foundation are taking part in BCB as Education Partner. How did the organisation come about?

Becky Paskin: Unfortunately, women still have a very difficult time in our industry. That's why I founded the OurWhisky Foundation in March 2022. Our aim is to support, recognise and promote women in the global whisky industry. We achieve this through a range of initiatives including mentoring, education and working with the industry on DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) best practice.



(c) Jazzula Donoghue Photography

BCB: What barriers do women face in the whisk(e)y industry?

Becky: Whisky is still perceived as a spirit for men, a stereotype that continues to have a negative impact on the women who make and consume it. Women in the whisky industry still face widespread prejudice and inappropriate behaviour, which makes their work more difficult.

BCB: What has the OurWhisky Foundation been able to achieve in the industry since it was founded?

Becky: It has only been two years since the programme was founded, but we have already achieved a lot in that time: 200 women and non-binary people have been supported by our globally renowned free mentoring programme. Many of our mentees have received new jobs, been promoted and even started their own businesses. Most say the programme has changed their lives.

We have also set up a free stock image library called 'The Modern Face of Whisky' to provide more appropriate images of different people enjoying whisky. Until the launch of this initiative in March 2023, free images of women drinking whisky were limited to those showing them naked, pregnant or drunk. In the first year, our library was viewed 10.5 million times and downloaded 125,000 times. The images were used to illustrate articles from Grazia and Stylist to the Daily Mail and the Independent.

We also conducted the world's first survey on women in the whisky industry entitled "Do You Even Like Whisky?". The survey uncovered widespread sexism and bias. We were also able to realise the world's first auction of whiskys made by women this year. So we have already achieved a lot, which we are very proud of, but there is still a lot to do.


BCB: What expectations and hopes do you have for the collaboration with BCB?

Becky: BCB has become a benchmark for bar and beverage fairs in Europe. We are delighted to have the opportunity to play an active part in BCB and to be able to use this great platform to draw attention to our organisation and to the subject of whisky. We hope to welcome all BCB visitors to our Education Area to enhance their education and experience of this wonderful spirit and ignite their love of whisky.

BCB: What topics will be covered in the Education Area of the BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy?

Becky: The programme for the Education Area is yet to be announced, but visitors can expect our seminars to cover a wide range of whisky topics to expand their knowledge, from Whisky 101 to cocktail masterclasses and how to create the perfect whisky menu.


BCB: How can you support the OurWhisky Foundation?

Becky: The OurWhisky Foundation is funded solely through sponsorship and donations. Anyone wishing to support our work can do so on our website at www.ourwhiskyfoundation.org/support-us .

Brands interested in sponsoring a session at the BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy, or wanting to get involved in the programme, please contact OurWhisky Foundation's marketing and partnerships manager Quyen Ha [email protected].


The other members of the foundation

Samantha Staniforth 

Millie Milliken

Quyen Ha

BCB: Thank you very much for the interview, Becky. We are already very excited about the BCB!